Last Monday we've announced 25 listed players for 2009/2010 season. Manager, coach, Captain, and senior players have a very healthy discussion after freindly game agaisnt ABDB and come up with final 25. It was a hard decision to make after all the commiments given during the pre-season training. Our focus is to set a team which we believe can work as a team, high potential, commited, and mesti bagus main lah.
Will display the final list later. For those yang terpilih, di ucap kan taniah dan diharap dapat menjadikan JFC sebuah pasukan yang di segani dan berjaya. Pada yang tidak terpilih, di ucapkan terima kasih kerana ada yang masih ikut berlatih. There will be a chance in the second round.
Players- "You have become JFC players, so give your full commitmentsss to go through what will be a very fantastic season. Suka duka kita lalui bersama.. heheheh"

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